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3 Different Ways to Use Function as Values in Go

Go is a statically typed, compiled language. It is like any other statically typed language but with less fuss and is very easy. When it comes to functional style of programming, it does not suffer from immense verbosities, like Java. With the help of the fact that functions are first-class…

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Breaking Up a Monolithic Database With Kong

There are events in our life that seem to be just routine, but then unexpectedly they have a profound impact on our journey. For me, one event was attending the 2008 Gartner conference in Orlando, Florida.That event not only introduced me to the Salesforce ecosystem for the very first……

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Tranding blog

When Big Data Goes Bad: Rehabilitating Data Quality

In the last ten years, the term Big Data came to the forefront of technology the fact that the term was popularized by Mashey over twenty years ago.

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6 Use Cases for Map() in JavaScript

he map() function creates a new array resulting from calling a user-supplied callback function. The function visits every element in the calling array.

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Using SwiftUI View Modifiers to Display Empty State

Empty state is an important aspect of UX it’s what users see when they first open your app,there is no second chance to leave a first impression

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A Simple Way to Stop Overcommitting Your Time

It takes a lot of practice to say no to new projects, tasks, or ideas. The act of saying ‘no’ is an art in itself. When the request in question is coming

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